Monday, April 26, 2010

A moment to vent...

As I have started using this blog to sort of "journal" our lives, I'd like to take a moment to share some things we've noticed...

At least once a week (if not more) people like to tell us the phrase "Just wait until the baby comes, then _________________ will happen/be impossible." (You fill in the blank). While this may be true in many cases (i.e. sleep, going out on a whim...), I find that these sort of statements from people are really interesting. Not only do I find them to be oddly limiting, but I find that one life changing event yields a very different effect for every individual and couple.

Take Bradley and I. We were told a thousand times "Just wait until you're married, then _______________ will change. That's just the way it is." Well, I hate to inform the world, but none of the things those people told us turned out to be true. It's NOT just the way it is. Sorry. Bradley and I are, to put it plainly, a different sort of couple. That's not to say we are cool or anything, just different. We don't watch sports. We don't have "girl's nights" or "boy's nights" to have some time away. We've never had an argument or a fight. Disagreements? Yes. More in love than on our wedding day? Absolutely.

Here's another one of my favorites. "You'll barely survive medical school. I hope you're prepared to be alone for 4 years. Its going to be rough. Your husband won't see your children grow up." Not true. Its not an exact science that medical school=hard on marriage, hard on family. Its a choice. I see Bradley more now than I ever have. In fact, Bradley said that he'd rather get B's and be home rather than get A's and never see me and our family. Has this held true? Yes. Will it continue to hold true? Yes. We chose it. And he's doing much better than the "B" range, too. I think there's a connection...

My point is, life isn't a rubber stamp. One thing most certainly doesn't equal another. Of course our baby will change our lives. How could it not? But it doesn't mean that the habbits and personalies of our lives and relationships will change for the worse unless we allow it.

Just sayin'... I heard these sort of statements too much lately to not put my two cents in. We're just a bunch of weirdos over here apparently ;-) But I bet a lot of you would agree...burn the rubber stamps!!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Ellen, you're my favorite. I definitely think you're right in the connection. BURN THE STAMPS!!