Monday, April 5, 2010

The Wonderful Things of Spring!

Hi Everyone! This past week was really fun with it being my 23rd birthday and Easter! For my birthday, we kept it low-key, but Bradley had lots of little surprises for me! He is such a fun guy. And the weather was pretty much perfect. I couldn't believe it!
Here's my Cold Stone cupcakes that I've wanted to try forever.

And we went on a picnic...

Easter was great. In fact, its my favorite holiday. The sun is usually out and the green starts to come in. In Colorado, I remember the tulips in our backyard would start to sprout. Here in Iowa, everyone's lawn is already green! How does that happen? And the meaning of the day is wonderful, and it usually isn't that bombarded by secular things. (Except we did eat our share of candy~could we help ourselves?!). Also, it was awesome because of General Conference. We hooked up Bradley's laptop to our TV and watched away!
Here's our pre-Easter egg dying party...

And the best part about future holidays is that we'll be able to project our excitement on our little man instead of feeling silly doing the "kid" stuff. But we all know grown-ups like that stuff too ;-)

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